CHS started with a single showcase in the spring of 2012. As we’ve grown, we’ve gotten better and better at making sure we promote the ideal environment for college coaches to find future players.Florida Spring Break Showcase
April 22nd-28th, 202
Ft. Myers
Sweden High-Performance Camp
July 15th-26th, 2024
St. Louis Gateway Showcase
August 3rd-6th, 2023
St. Louis
Rocky Mountain Showcase
June 16th-18th 2023
Paris(Cergy), France
June 26th-July 1st, 2023
Benefits of CHS Showcases
College Recruiting Advantages
Playing well, being seen, and expressing interest is what every potential recruit should strive to do. But “who you know” is an important and often over-looked aspect of recruiting. CHS provides a significant recruiting opportunity by facilitating coaches getting to know players on a personal basis.
Establish Coach-Player Relationships
CHS programs stress genuine and personal on and off-ice interaction between coaches and players. Our curriculum and low coach-to-player ratio sets us apart from any other showcase. The program is designed so that every attendee will be able to establish one-on-one relationships with college coaches.
Simply The Best Coaches
CHS attracts the top women’s college hockey coaches from NCAA and CIS programs to participate and scout. Coaches flock to us because our showcases are designed for one purpose – to facilitate their need to learn more about potential recruits for their D1 and D3 hockey programs.
Showcase Your Talents To Coaches
CHS allows potential recruits to be evaluated by college coaches in a multi-day, multi-game setting. While tournaments provide coaches with brief glimpses, CHS coaches get concentrated time to establish a complete picture of a player’s skills, competitive spirit, and college playing potential.