2025 Florida Girls Spring Break Showcase Player


2025 Florida Girls Spring Break Showcase Player Package

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SKU: FL22SHOWPL-1-1 Category:


The Showcase that started it all: Timed perfectly to coincide with the AHCA Coaches Convention, programs from across North America have turned the Spring Break Showcase into a must-attend event. In addition to the coaches who are on our staff, many come in a day or two early for their meetings to scout our Showcase — meaning unmatched exposure for players. This event is for female hockey players born between 2003-2009 (Please note the start and end times per day are estimated, expect personalized schedules closer to the event)

University of Vermont
University of Toronto
St. Lawrence University
Lindenwood University
Norwich University
Union College
University of New Brunswick
Nichols College
Boston University
Boston College
Oswego State
University of Dubuque
Penn State
Utica University
Western New England University
Brown University
Minnesota State University - Mankato
Northland College
Elmira College
Nazareth College
University of New Brunswick
Arcadia University

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